How To Get Rid of Pet Odor or Urine Smell

Healthy pets normally do not have bad odor, but the unhealthy pets do. The known cause of pet odor is yeast metabolizing secretions normally skin oils and bacteria.

Areas where skin is dark and moist–under the tail, skin folds, mouth and ears —contain the most concentration of bacteria and yeast and the most pungent smell.

Bacteria and Yeast are found on the skin of every pet, also healthy pets, but most of these organisms are kept at bay when skin is healthy. With aged or diseased animals, the skin is unhealthy and the number of bacteria and yeast rises. As the numbers rises, pet odor increases.

Bacteria and yeast result into itching or pruritus. Pets scratch and as result, blood flow is increased to the area. Blood increase brings about swelling, inflammation and heat, hence, pet odors become even worse.

Another reason for pet odor is the urine on the couch, floor or carpet.
pet urine smell infograph

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Home Remedies for Pet Odors (Dogs and Cats)

You don't really have to buy expensive cleaning products just to keep your house clean free off dog odor or cat odor all the time.

In fact, there are several products that you can easily find at home and things that you can also do to rid your home off pet odor.

1. Baking Soda

baking soda

This is a very effective cleaning product and home deodorizer that neutralizes different odors at home. It can eliminate unwanted odors at home such as smelly carpets and upholstery caused by pets.

Just sprinkle a reasonable amount of baking soda into the carpet and leave it there for about 20 minutes, vacuum the area afterwards.

2. Vinegar

Another effective cleaning product for common household chores is white vinegar. White vinegar has the ability to disinfect and at the same time deodorize most areas in your house. It is one of the cheapest yet effective household cleaner you could ever find.

You can use it in your living room to get rid of odors caused by pets simply by boiling a mixture of water and vinegar. Don't worry if vinegar odor will permeate the area where you use it for this will only be temporary.

3. Washing Upholstery

Washing bedding, curtains and towels will ensure that any foul smell that is lingering is eliminated.

Wash bedding with detergent and add a bit of baking powder to ensure your fabrics are smelling fresh and a free from any pet odors.

4. Using Perfumes

Lightly spray furniture and rugs with an enzyme formulated spray to kill pee smell and maintain an odor neutral environment.

5. Using Potpourri Scented Candles

Place scented candles or potpourri in locations that are strategic. Don't go overboard, just place candles or potpourri in bathrooms, closets and hallways.

6. Allow for Sufficient Ventilation

Air-out rooms by leaving windows open and changing air filters for a fresh start.

7. Clean Your Pet

Among the most important intervention for an effective odor removal is to ensure that your pet is cleaned at all times. If you choose to disregard this task, then you would find that your pet will sooner or later get smelly.

So, instead of ignoring it, you could always check on your pet from time to time, and clean them every time you start to notice any slight odor.

However, because cats have sensitive skin, you would also need to search for mild shampoo which you can use without irritating the skin of your pet.

8. Vacuuming Your Home


Aside from that, you would need to have your home vacuumed. This is cheap and easy way, and could go a very long way to control pet odors. It should never be disregarded as this is very quick.

You just simply run your vacuum at least twice or thrice in a week, and anything less than that would have your home very vulnerable to cat / dog odors.

9. Pee Smell Removal Products

In reality, there are a lot of dog and cat odor remover products which are available everywhere.

If you want to choose the best quality product, then you might want to look for ones which are made for both odor and stain removal.

10. Medical Check-Up

After you have done all the above and the strong pet odor persists, there may be an underlying medical condition.

4 Tips To Clean Cat Pee From Carpet

Many people enjoy keeping cats and dogs as pets in the home. Cats are often quiet and obedient and make great pets. However, there are times when keeping cats in the house can be a real pain. This is especially true if the cat starts acting out and urinating on the carpet.

Getting cat urine out of carpet can be a very challenging process. There are a variety of home remedies touted on the Internet along with a number of commercial products available which claim to get urine stains out of carpet and rugs. The trick is learning what to believe and what to dismiss.

Cat urine can be a very bad problem to deal with. The reason cat urine is so hard to get out of carpet is because it crystallizes when it dries. The cat urine will soak through the carpet fibers on the top and run down into the backing and may spread out on the floor below.

Once this urine dries it forms these crystals underneath the backing which is almost impossible to clean out.

Effective Home Remedies to Eliminate Cat Odor

1. Use of Vinegar

Many home remedies designed to eliminate cat odor recommend using vinegar to neutralize the urine.

This is a mistake many people make because vinegar is an acid. Cat urine is also an acid when it is in liquid form; therefore, you cannot neutralize an acid with an acid. This is not to say that using vinegar to clean the area will not work.

2. Use Water

Even using plain water on a cat urine spot while it is still wet may be enough to dilute the urine so that it does not crystallize. This can be accomplished by pouring hot water or a vinegar solution if you wish, directly on the wet urine spot and stepping on it to make sure it soaks into the carpet.

3. Place a Towel

You can then place towels or paper towels over the spot and step on them to soak up the diluted urine. If you repeat this process two or three times you should be able to take care of most of the spot.

4. Order Removal Enzyme

If the urine has dried then it is a different story. You will probably have to buy some type of enzyme pet odor remover to take care of the urine crystals. These liquid products should be applied just like you would water to a wet urine spot.

The area should be thoroughly soaked in order for the product to come in contact with all the urine crystals. Keep in mind a urine spot may be twice as big underneath the carpet as it is a top since the urine will tend to spread out once it reaches the flooring.

3 Ways To Remove Urine Smell From Carpet

Nobody wants their carpets to become really stinky but this may be because of the circumstance of having your pet as part of the family. Removing the pet odor can be undeniably tough if you do not have any idea how to go about it.

Below are tips to get rid of the unwanted pet odor on your carpet.

1. Prevention is Better Than Cure

This is an old saying which is not only applicable to your health but likewise to your carpet. If you can avoid having your pet pee the carpet then you will have no problem to deal with from the very start.

Try to avoid having your pet inside the house if they are still wet or they are muddy. Make sure you also potty train your pet so that they don't make your carpet their own personal toilet. If you can do this then you could avoid having issues with pet odor on your carpet at home.

2. Use a Carpet Deodorizer

If you have a really stinky carpet due to the pet odor caused by your pets, using an effective carpet deodorizer is really important.

You should try to apply a carpet deodorizer the moment you notice any kind of smell on your carpet. Try to use it regularly too to avoid having the smell become a permanent part of your home.

3. Steam Clean Your Carpet

Steam cleaning is one technique that you should definitely try if you are having problems with pet odor on the carpet.

This is because the steam cleaning technique is really helpful in eliminating the odor as it helps kill the germs and bacteria in the carpet fibers that cause the unwanted smell.

Try it out and you will see how effective it can be in eliminating the pet odor on your carpet at home

4 Ways Of Cleaning Your Dog or Cat

1. Shampoo

keep your pet clean

To get rid of pet odors, a great natural shampoo for you dog will also contain a range of vitamins, proteins and silk amino acids. These are excellent at helping to repair damaged and broken skin, fortifying the skin against further attacks and also for nourishing the skin and hair shafts.

This promotes the growth and health of existing and new coats. They also coat and seal in the skin to enable easy grooming and stop the coat from tangling up.

If your cat or dog suffers with hot spots, dermatitis, skin allergies, excessive itching and scratching or any other skin irritation then another good natural ingredient is Zinc "PCA".

This serves to help soothe and heal the skin and also helps to build up the immune system of the dog's skin to stop further problems. It also helps to re-balance the sebum glands so that the optimum amount of natural oil is properly produced.

A good natural shampoo incorporating the above ingredients is an excellent choice for your dog. The combination of ingredients will also help to eliminate any strong odors on your dog as well as keeping him clean and healthy looking.

The best natural shampoo for your dog will not be the cheapest option as the right ingredients can be expensive. However, the benefits of using such a shampoo far outweigh the cost of buying it and it will be the cheaper option in the long run.

2. Soap

The best way of cleaning your pet is by washing it regularly. There are certain types of soaps that are found in veterinary clinics that are ideal for cleaning your pet. These soaps do inflammation on the pet's skin. You should also use a brush with gentle bristles to avoid scrubbing off the scalp of the pet. However, the brush should be long enough to touch the skin so that it can scrub the skin.

You should always use warm water while you are cleaning your pet. Although pets love swimming in warm water, bathing is a different experience. They like cleaning themselves but for hygienic purposes, washing it on your own is better.

While you want to wash your pet, you should prepare him with a gift like a favorite dish. This makes the pet happy and it will not object the wash. Always avoid washing the pet in cold weather.

While dogs will enjoy blow-drying after the wash, it is considered unhealthy for the pet. This is because the high temperature and the windy atmosphere are harsh conditions on the skin of the pet and they cause loss of fur.

Instead, a soft towel is ideal for drying the pet. You could decide to take it outside and let it dry in the sun as you watch. Always be gentle while you are cleaning your pet on the head. Ensure that the eyes, the nose, and the ears do not get soap.

This avoids related conditions like sneezing and crying. It is advisable to maintain a schedule for washing your pet.

If you have pets and you want to keep a clean and hygienic home, you've got to use what professionals use and recommend you to use. That's how you choose a really good pet urine remover.

Because of its ability to completely eliminate urine smell and sight such that the pet doesn't know where he peed the last time, many pet trainers, kennel owners and carpet cleaners rely on the excellence of this agent.

3. Pet Odor Removal Agents

There are different products. They usually do not mask the obnoxious odors of pet urine with chemicals but completely takes it away from the source. If you realize, this is the tricky part where many other types of cleaning agents fail.

Once the pet odor removal products finish their job, they leave behind a clean and crisp perfume in the air which spells cleanliness.

The basic reason why the pet odor removal products' are a success with pet urine stains and smell is because some of them contain an ingredient known as the remains of organic matter taken from your pet.

When this is applied to the urine-affected spot, it works in a way that gets rid of the source of the urine odor at the source, and that includes the stains too!

However, these products have other related uses too which makes them all the more cost-effective for pet owners to invest in - they can also be used to remove the vomit and feces of pet dogs and cats, besides the corpses of other decaying animals.


There are a lot of people who are still facing the dilemma of these annoying pee smell which drives visitors away. It is challenging enough to take care of a pet, and can become tougher if you are to run after their waste.

So, always aim to avoid these problems and solving them instead of having to face the problem of getting rid of these inconveniences.

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